© 2005 by Linda Minor
(Updated in 2010)
(Updated in 2010)
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Credit to Vanity Fair |
The havoc caused by just these 16 words:
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
President George W. Bush used just sixteen words (quoted above) in his State of the Union Message in January 2003 to justify his military attack on Iraq. It took six months for Ambassador Joseph Wilson to contradict those words in the public media — averring in a July 6, 2003 New York Times op-ed piece (“What I Didn’t Find in Africa”) that the Bush administration knew, or should have known,
almost a year before his January speech that any report claiming that
Saddam had obtained uranium from Niger in a quantity capable of using
for weapons of mass destruction was a bald-faced lie. [1]
Dementia Admitted

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Hadley |
Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, admitted two weeks after Wilson’s article in the Times that he should have deleted
the “sixteen words” from Bush’s January speech because, as he later
recalled, CIA Director George Tenet had asked him to do so for a speech
Bush gave in Ohio three months before the January speech..But, Hadley
explained, he had “forgotten” Tenet’s warning during the intervening
Hadley’s boss, Condoleezza Rice, claiming the same amnesiatic excuse and sounding like a ditzy California valley girl, stated:
“What we learned later (and I did not know at the time, and certainly did not know until just before Steve Hadley went out to say what he said last week) was that the director [Tenet] had also sent over to the White House a set of clearance comments that explained why he wanted this out of the speech. I can tell you, I either didn’t see the memo, or I don’t remember seeing the memo.” [2]

While the Bush officials were thus admitting their dementia, Robert Novak, in his July 14 syndicated column—citing “two senior administration officials” as his sources—identified Valerie Plame,
wife of their only accuser, as a Central Intelligence Agency operative
who had worked in the area of weapons of mass destruction. [3]
Senior Administration Officials Spring Leaks
Wilson immediately jumped to the core of the matter, speculating as to the identity of these "senior officials":
“Senior advisers close to the president may well have been clever enough to have used others to do the actual leaking, in order to keep their fingerprints off the crime. John Hannah and David Wurmser, mid-level political appointees in the vice president’s office, have both been suggested as sources of the leaks. I don’t know either, though at the time of the leak, Wurmser, a prominent neoconservative, was working as a special assistant to John Bolton at the State Department. Mid-level officials, however, do not leak information without authority from a higher level.” [4]
them "zealots," and part of a "government cult," Wilson traced the
roots back to Albert and Roberta Morgan Wohlstetter of the University of
Chicago— mentors both to Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. The ultimate mission in Iraq, he revealed, "was always about a larger neoconservative agenda of projecting force as the means of imposing solutions." Roberta Mary Morgan's father, Edmund M. Morgan, Jr., a law professor at Yale in 1920, was later a Harvard Law colleague of Felix Frankfurter.
Extremism in the Defense of Liberty
Robert Bolton II, like many of his College Republican counterparts,
became a Republican almost before he could tie his shoes, though he was
not a member of the College Republican National Committee.[5]
Young Johnny was instead active in the Young Republican organization at
Yale for four years—1966 to 1970. He had cut his teeth, however, in
the 1964 Goldwater campaign at his prep school in Baltimore—the McDonogh
School—where he was awarded one of the scholarships to poor (in the
financial sense) students for whose education the school was originally
created. In 1964, when John Bolton was sixteen years old and his peers
were thinking about girls, cars, football or baseball, Johnny was
meditating upon Barry Goldwater’s classic statement:
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Bolton would never thereafter be ascribed with the virtue of moderation. The vice of extremism is another matter.
fit the profile which the College Republican (CR) organization was
seeking. Led by Morton Blackwell, CR was recruiting young political
operatives in 1971, while Blackwell's fellow Virginia attorney, Lewis
Franklin Powell, Jr. (later appointed to the Supreme Court), was writing in his “Confidential Memorandum: Attack on American Free Enterprise System,” addressed to his next-door neighbor, Eugene Sydnor (then in charge of the education committee for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce [6]) that the immediate goal of recruitment was to ascertain “avenues of
action” which could be pursued to correct the “imbalance” on campus and
the public at large in order to save the free enterprise system. [7]
Pendulum Swings to the Right
Morton Blackwell, mentor for the College Republican organization, was trained by Tea Party hero, Richard Viguerie,
who as a young man in his twenties, earned his living working for Young
Americans for Freedom (YAF)—founded in 1960 by William F. Buckley, Jr.
(Yale, Skull and Bones, 1950). Buckley had previously served as a Central
Intelligence Agency operative in Tokyo and Mexico City. [8]
Though Buckley’s National Review claimed to be the voice of proponents for free enterprise, evaluated on that basis alone, it was
Since free enterprise operates on the profit motive, we have to assume that, since it continued to operate without profit, it was being subsidized by someone or something.
Buckley started the magazine with $125,000 from his family and $300,000 “raised elsewhere.” [10] Who was paying Buckley to run this right-wing rag so soon after his book God and Man at Yale had attacked the so-called leftist administration and faculty at Yale?
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Bundy |
In 1951 fellow Bonesman McGeorge Bundy “gleefully accepted an assignment from The Atlantic Monthly to attack William F. Buckley’s God and Man at Yale. Buckley, Bundy charged, was a ‘twisted and ignorant young man.’ Buckley, in turn, ridiculed Bundy as a ‘haughty totalitarian’ and a ‘Court Hatchet-Man.’” [11] Skull and Bones men must have been delighted to witness the Hegelian dialectic at work and play.
Skull and Bones at Play?
as intriguing as Buckley’s ability to continue such a money-losing
operation for so long is the list of names he attracted to serve on the
board of YAF. Ronald Reagan was on the YAF’s national advisory board in
1962, and retired Major General Charles A. Willoughby was there by 1963.

Direct mail was a part of the advertising and public relations industry, and Viguerie
was therefore working for these right-wing idealogues on YAF's board while he handled mail order operations. They sent mailings and fundraising letters out to the mailing list, hoping either to convince Americans of the need
to pursue the cold war militarism against Communism in the Soviet Union
and China or to raise funds for candidates. In 1964 Viguerie began his own direct-mail company, using
the YAF and Goldwater’s mailing lists. Long before personal computers, iPhones or bloggers, he taught Morton Blackwell how
to do direct mail and to train others under the auspices of the
College Republican National Committee. Once Ronald Reagan was
inaugurated, Morton Blackwell had a White House office as “liaison with conservative groups.” [14]
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Dolan |
conservative groups included the National Conservative Political Action
Committee, whose director—one of Blackwell’s College Republican
trainees, John T. "Terry" Dolan—poured more than $7 million into
Republican campaign coffers in 1980. [15] That was a lot of money in those days. Where did it really
come from? Could “direct mail” have been a cover for laundering
illicit funds through the intricate layers of political action
committees set up to flaunt the spirit of campaign finance legislation?
That’s a subject for further research.
World Anti-Communist League
What our research to date does reveal, however, is that the career of Richard Viguerie—described in Time magazine as a “direct-mail conglomerateur” in Falls Church, Virginia (who, like Buckley at National Review, could afford to operate his monthly Conservative Digest at more than a million dollar per year loss) had suspicious connections early on to the World Anti-Communist League. [16] One time editor at Conservative Digest was Lee Edwards, who
“had a practice of starting up organizations like the ‘Underground Bible Fund’ or ‘Friends of the FBI,’ which were very good at soliciting donations but not so good at actually fulfilling their promises to distribute Bibles behind the Iron Curtain or defend the good name of J. Edgar Hoover.”
1970 Edwards had also set up the first United States affiliate of the
World Anti-Communist League called the “American Council for World Freedom.” Edwards’ activities were mentioned in a book by another
member of the New Right, Alan Crawford as follows:
Then there is Lee Edwards, once a Young Americans for Freedom activist, the first editor of Viguerie’s Conservative Digest. When the Justice Department brought suit against the American-Chilean Council in 1978, it came out that one of the organization's activities had been to plant material favorable to the Pinochet government of Chile with Edwards, then a Washington-based public relations man, who writes and distributes his own newspaper column. Edwards included the information in his newspaper articles. The accomplishment was reported back to the Chileans by the Washington officer of the American-Chilean Council, L. Francis Bouchey, another product of Young Americans for Freedom, who had shared office space with Edwards back in 1975 when Edwards was working closely with representatives of the Taiwan government. (p. 197) [17]
Another book, Inside the League, written in 1986, described Edwards’ associates as neo-Nazis:
Bankrolling themselves by running “charities” with exorbitant operating costs, they sought out others who shared their apocalyptic vision of the takeover of the world by communists and their “fellow travellers,” whether in the American Independent Party or in the World Anti-Communist League. Today Edwards is president of the Center for International Relations, a conservative think tank funded by the Reagan Administration.... With the resignation of the American Council for World Freedom in 1975, the door was open for an energetic neo-Nazi to transform the face of the League in the United States and Europe, plunging it even further into the depths of fanaticism. [18]
[1] Joseph Wilson, The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife’s CIA Identity (Carroll & Graf, 2004), p. 1. The July 6 New York Times article appears at the Common Dreams News Center website.
[2] Wilson, The Politics of Truth, p. 353.
Novak stated: “Two senior administration officials told me Wilson's
wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report.
The CIA says its counter-proliferation officials selected Wilson and
asked his wife to contact him.... All this was forgotten until reporter
Walter Pincus revealed in the Washington Post
June 12 that an unnamed retired diplomat had given the CIA a negative
report. Not until Wilson went public on July 6, however, did his finding
ignite the firestorm.”
[4] Wilson, The Politics of Truth, p. 445.
[5] We
saw in a recent Sanders Research article, “Killer Political Instincts,”
that while Karl Rove was in high school in Utah he was working on the
campaign of Republican Senator Wallace Bennett, whose son controlled a
public relations firm that employed career intelligence operatives who
were hired to re-elect Richard Nixon. The article also mentioned that
Rove’s recruiters, the College Republican National Committee, also
trained Ralph Reed, Terry Dolan, Roger Stone, Grover Norquist, Lee
Atwater, and Jack Abramoff (Tom Delay’s fund-raiser recently indicted
for dirty tricks)—indoctrinating them into their future roles in
political consulting and mail-order to elect extreme right wing
The Chamber of Commerce was a pro-business lobby founded by Skull and
Bones member, William Howard Taft in 1911 with a mission to create a
“social system based on individual freedom, incentive, initiative,
opportunity, and responsibility." Chamber history, according to its website. The quote was attributed to Taft in a press release dated April 22, 2002 and is now the Chamber's Mission Statement.
[7] Before being named to the Supreme Court by President Nixon, Powell had served on a “Blue Ribbon Defense Panel”
chaired by Gilbert W. Fitzhugh, Board Chairman of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, which had made recommendations for restructuring
military procurement procedures, as well as intelligence resources.
Powell’s memo is reminiscent of how Skull and Bones at Yale began in
1832 to take control of every facet of America’s established
institutions. See Antony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment (1986).
[8] Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much p. 191.
[9] Time, Oct. 31, 1960.
[10] Time, Nov. 3, 1967.
[11] Alfred S. Regnery, Upstream: the ascendance of American conservatism, Volume 2007 (Simon and Schuster, Inc. 2008), p. 50.
[12] Frank Kluckhohn, The Reporter
(New York Journal) August 19, 1952. In 1913, “having reached the rank
of sergeant, he left the service to enter the senior class of Gettysburg
College in Pennsylvania. Graduated from Gettysburg, he studied for an
M.A. at the University of Kansas at Lawrence and then taught languages
at the Howe School for girls, in Howe, Indiana, and at Racine College in
Wisconsin. Then in 1916 he re-entered the Army and was commissioned a
second lieutenant of infantry. He served on the Mexican border and later
was sent to France, where he took aviation training, flew as a pursuit
pilot, and helped train Allied fliers.” While in Manila, “Willoughby
became known as the close friend of Andres Soriano, the Spanish Club's
most influential member and one of the richest men in the
Philippines.... Soriano was not only Willoughby's friend; he was also
the good friend of General MacArthur and of another principal MacArthur
assistant, Major General Courtney Whitney, who before the war was a
lawyer and promoter in Manila. Soriano had—and still has—mining
interests, breweries, airlines, shipping, radio stations, textiles, jute
plants, and the Philippine concessions for the products of many great
American firms.”
[13] Dick Russell, p. 322.
[14] Time, July 5, 1982.
[15] Terry’s brother Anthony, incidentally, was a Reagan speechwriter. Dolan’s name had been first mentioned in Time in 1979.
[16] Time, December 8, 1961.
[17] Crawford’s book is called Thunder on the Right. A review appears in an article written by Corey Panshin.
[18] Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League
(New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1986). The connection between
Viguerie, Rev. Billy James Hargis, the John Birch Society, and Buckley’s
YAF was hinted at by the authors: “The first American League Chapter
was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), founded in 1970 in
Washington, D.C. The main force behind its creation, and its first
secretary, was Lee Edwards, head of a public relations firm and former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth arm of the John Birch Society.
Edwards was a stalwart of the emergent New Right in American politics
and brought his own questionable background and motives into the World
Anti-Communist League as a professional fund-raiser. Along with a
handful of other New Right fund-raisers such as Richard Viguerie and Patrick Gorman,
Edwards was in the business of raising donations for charitable or
nonprofit organizations and then keeping a large chunk of the 'money,
sometimes over ninety percent, for his ‘operation expenses.’ ”